A globally-experienced brewing technology professional and founder of several beer industry support companies. As Managing Director of industry consultants Cara Technology Limited and prior to that as Principal Scientist at the Brewing Research Foundation, I have advised more than 400 medium to large breweries in 70 countries. I have authored or coauthored more than 120 scientific papers, book chapters and patent specifications. Relying on theory and practice in equal measure I have a track record of delivering innovative results for our client companies. My personal goal, and that of the companies with which I am involved, is to help brewers produce great beers with excellent profit margins within inspiring workplaces. Specialities include: sensory analysis, taster training, beverage flavour chemistry, brewing technology, process-driven problem-solving, technical training, yeast and fermentation, and brewery microbiology.

Key skills
– Extensive knowledge of yeast and fermentation, microbiology, flavour chemistry, and sensory analysis, with a broadbased understanding of beverage production and aseptic packaging.
– Sapiential leadership skills as evidenced by 19 years consultancy experience within blue chip food and beverage companies in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Australasia.
– Respected trainer and coach with skills in training needs analysis, design, delivery and review.
– Experienced trainer of professional tasters in the areas of beer, spirits, water and soft drinks.
– Good communication skills, developed and put to use in peer-reviewed publications, trade press articles, press releases, and interviews for radio, TV and magazines.
– Skilled taster with proficiency in more than 150 beer flavour attributes.
– Strong problem solving skills, with extensive knowledge of process improvement techniques such as Six Sigma, Lean Sigma, and Kaizen, and considerable experience of the application of creative problem solving techniques within both large and small brewing companies.

Career history
August 1995 – present
Cara Technology Limited
Leatherhead, UK

Cara Technology Limited is an ISO9001:2008-accredited company which helps companies develop and implement sustainable sensory testing programmes. The company develops and manufactures AROXA flavour standards for use in beer, cider, wine, water, spirits, soft drinks and various foods. We provide independent assessment of taster competence through our Taster Validation Schemes. Our SensCheck sensory management software has set the standard for real-time sensory testing in food and beverage production environments.  The company services customers in more than 170 countries. I founded this company in 1995. It has grown year on year and today has 26 specialist technical staff. The company is committed to training and development of its staff and has been accredited to the Investors in People (IiP ) standard since 2000. As Director I act as an adviser, trainer and coach to the brewing industry on issues related to sensory analysis and process technology, and manage strategic partnerships on behalf of the Company.

April 2009 – present
The Alfred Jørgensen Laboratory
Copenhagen, Denmark

Cara Technology ApS incorporates the longest established pure yeast supply business in the world – the Alfred Jørgensen Laboratory. The ISO9001:2008-accredited operation houses a collection of more than 850 brewery yeasts. The company provides breweries throughout the world with regular supplies of production yeast cultures, taking on partial responsibility for some of the world’s most successful and iconic beer brands in the process. Use of AJL yeast helps breweries manage a key element their production risk. Yeast cultures supplied by our facilities in Denmark and the UK are used to make almost 25% of the world’s beer.

May 1996 – April 2010
Founder and Director
FlavorActiV Limited
Chinnor, UK

FlavorActiV Limited is a UK-based firm that provides specialist training products and services to help manage the performance of professional beer tasters. During my time with the company we developed customer relationships in many parts of the world. In 2005 and 2007 the company won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in recognition of its success. Having founded the company in 1996 I contributed both strategically and operationally to its growth (as Innovation Director, Joint Managing Director and Chairman) before leaving in early 2010 to  focus on Cara Technology and the Alfred Jørgensen Laboratory. Until 2010 all products supplied by FlavorActiV were designed, developed and manufactured by Cara Technology. In 2010 Cara Technology ended its exclusive supply relationship with FlavorActiV and now supplies its products direct to the market under the AROXA brand name.

October 1995 – March 1999
Visiting Lecturer in Yeast Technology
Siebel Institute of Technology
Chicago, USA

Taught on the Institute’s prestigious Diploma in Brewing course and Advanced Brewing Microbiology course for one month a year as a member of the visiting faculty. Topics taught included ester control, control of volatile sulphur compounds, fermentation management, yeast flocculation, detection of beer microbiological contaminants, and rapid microbiological detection techniques.
At the time, the Siebel Institute was the largest seat of learning in brewing technology in the world, training more than 400 brewers each year.

September 1994 – January 1999
Visiting Lecturer in Biotechnology
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, UK

Responsible for teaching classes related to beer and beer production in the MSc in Industrial Biotechnology course. Also lectured in the area of Rapid Microbiological Detection and Identification techniques to undergraduates.

January – July 1995
Head of Fermentation Research and Principal
BRF International
Nutfield, UK

Responsible for a multi-disciplinary team of 15 graduate and post-doctoral staff, researching various aspects of fermentation microbiology relating to the production of beer. Staff development, team building, and promotion of communication with clients were key tasks in this role. Management of consultancy projects of a confidential nature. Provision of specialist consultancy and advice. Liaison with clients to find cost-effective solutions to their technical problems.

June 1991 – January 1995
Head of Product Quality Research and Principal
BRF International
Nutfield, UK

Responsible for ten graduate and post-doctoral staff and for negotiation of applications for public funding. Provision of consultancy services to members. Research areas included methodologies for assessment of beer flavour, control of beer flavour stability and beer foam quality. Under my direction, the Product Quality Research Team achieved a four-fold increase in the number of papers annually published in peer-reviewed journals. During my tenure revenue generated from private research increased six-fold.

July 1986 – June 1991
Research Scientist, Fermentation Research
BRF International
Nutfield, UK

Research in a variety of areas including yeast physiology, physiology of contaminant bacteria, traditional and rapid detection of contaminant microorganisms, antibacterial action of natural plant constituents. Undertook a variety of confidential consultancy projects, mostly of a problem-solving nature. Developed and patented reagent systems for rapid detection of microorganisms. Involved in bringing these reagents to the marketplace. Obtained a PhD studying part-time.

July 1977 – July 1986
Quality Assurance Microbiologist
Tennent Caledonian Breweries
Glasgow, UK

Responsible for routine microbiological tests, maintenance of culture collections, trouble shooting and special projects in one of the largest, and most successful, breweries in the UK. Qualified as a microbiologist while studying on a part-time basis.

– University of Greenwich: PhD 1991, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry – Thesis entitled ‘Molecular Structure and Antibacterial Function of Hop Resin Materials’. Council for National Academic Awards, UK
– University of Paisley: Graduateship of the Institute of Biology: Part II, Microbiology, 1985 – First Class Honours

Memberships and professional appointments
– Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC) and Chartered Chemist (CChem)
– Fellow of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling (IBD)
– Member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
– Member of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Sensory Evaluation Committee E-18
– Member of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas
– Member of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
– Member of the Institute of Directors (MInstD)
– Member of the Editorial Board of the American Society of Brewing Chemists (JASBC) (2006 – 2010)
– Visiting Lecturer in Biotechnology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (1994 – 1999)
– Visiting Lecturer in Yeast Technology, Siebel Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA (1996 – 1999)
– Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Applied Microbiology (1991 – 2001)

– 2007 – Queen’s Award for Export Achievement: category, Innovation
– 2005 – Queen’s Award for Export Achievement: category, International Trade
– 1995 – Elected a Fellow of the Institute of Brewing
– 1991- Cambridge Prize, awarded by the Institute of Brewing for outstanding contributions to brewing research

Presentations and publications
– Seventy-one peer-reviewed publications in: Journal of General Microbiology, Journal of Applied Bacteriology, Microbiology, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Journal of the Institute of Brewing , Scandinavian Brewers Review and others.
– Forty-three non-reviewed publications in publications in: MBAA Technical Quarterly, Cerevisiae e Malta, Brauwelt,
Brauwelt International, Brewers’ Guardian, The International Brewer and Distiller, Ferment  and others.
– Fourteen patents and patent applications.
– Five books and book chapters.
– More than thirty presentations and posters at National and International Brewing Conferences and Symposia including European Brewery Convention Congresses, Institute of Brewing and Distilling Conventions and Symposia (Europe, Asia and Africa), All India Brewers Convention, and World Brewing Congresses.
– The above materials have been published in a variety of languages including; Russian, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.
– Frequent reviewer for several scientific journals, including the Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, and Journal of Applied Microbiology.
– Currently writing and editing ‘Brewing Problems Solved’ which will be published by Woodhead Publishing in 2015.

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